On the fourth day, we learn about ISS (International Space Station). Our students discovered our astronaut live there and they daily routine. We did as well cooking, it was fun to make our hot dogs and share it all together.
Only the braves, 2 kids could join us for our third part. We worked on imagination with how they imagined the planet they would like to live. They draw and make sentences as well. Our small group still had fun and this is the most important.
During our second day, we learnt about our solar system (Milky way). Our kids made a chart with our planets (Pluto, Neptune, Jupiter...). They cut and glue it, started from the closest to the sun.
During our first day kids enjoyed make they own T.shirt. Kids painted items like rocket, stars, planet... And the word for our theme was Pathfinders (astronomers who discover new path among our galaxy).