February 14th we will be celebrating Valentine's Day - an occasion for giving chocolates, greeting cards or flowers to our loved.
In Cherry class kids decorated cakes. They enjoyed it very much and some of them had cream even on their noses... We also made greeting cards for parents.
Making chocolate covered cornflakes with Apple Class today was so much fun and they all looked so adorable in their aprons and scarves,and so I call them "The Little Chef's of Apple Class"
Everyone enjoyed mixing the chocolates,cream and cornflakes together...and while doing so,they were also busy licking their fingers if it accidentally dipped in the chocolate....so cute...😉
And as they finished mixing the ingredients together,they put their chocolate cornflakes in tiny little paper cups,to give to their families...
As they finished putting the chocolates in their boxes,Apple class enjoyed tasting the left over chocolate cornflakes....and they can't get enough of it with their chocolate covered faces...😊☺
We had a lot of fun with our little Apple Chefs!!! ❤❤❤
Everyone enjoyed mixing the chocolates,cream and cornflakes together...and while doing so,they were also busy licking their fingers if it accidentally dipped in the chocolate....so cute...😉
And as they finished mixing the ingredients together,they put their chocolate cornflakes in tiny little paper cups,to give to their families...
As they finished putting the chocolates in their boxes,Apple class enjoyed tasting the left over chocolate cornflakes....and they can't get enough of it with their chocolate covered faces...😊☺
We had a lot of fun with our little Apple Chefs!!! ❤❤❤
UKIUKId`s 先週各々オリジナルDANCE考える、という宿題がありました
フラフープ、ボール下投げ・上投げに加え、自分の陣地にあるボールを相手の陣地に移し、ボールが少ない方が勝ちというゲームもしましたMonday class
Little Japanese class 2月のカレンダー、今日から虫食いカレンダーにして数詞、色に注意しながら丁寧に作りましたかさじぞうの紙芝居をみたあとは、スゴロク(異買い物バージョン)何屋さんに何が売っているのか、どんなものがあるのか学びながら楽しみました 今日も、寒いですね みなさん、風邪をひかないようにBYE BYE
Little Japanese class 2月のカレンダー、今日から虫食いカレンダーにして数詞、色に注意しながら丁寧に作りましたかさじぞうの紙芝居をみたあとは、スゴロク(異買い物バージョン)何屋さんに何が売っているのか、どんなものがあるのか学びながら楽しみました 今日も、寒いですね みなさん、風邪をひかないようにBYE BYE
The school had two days activities for mame-maki. First it was Jan 31. held in school. The Grape Class prepared a mask to wear on this day.
The Grape Class pretended to be the devil for the Cherry ClassGrape Class had a Throwing of Beans in the classroom and the pretending devils came in to the classroomThe children were screaming "Devils Out!After chasing the devils out, they threw the beans up to ask for fortunes. The next day we had our Mame-Maki at the parkAfter the Mame-Maki we stayed at the park to play. They all had lots of fun!
The Grape Class pretended to be the devil for the Cherry ClassGrape Class had a Throwing of Beans in the classroom and the pretending devils came in to the classroomThe children were screaming "Devils Out!After chasing the devils out, they threw the beans up to ask for fortunes. The next day we had our Mame-Maki at the parkAfter the Mame-Maki we stayed at the park to play. They all had lots of fun!