We would like to thank all the parents for coming to our class viewing day. It was exciting,especially after all the hard work the children did to become what they are now. They studied really well. It's really amazing to see how much your children have grown since the first day they moved to Apple Class! Great Job kids! You made your parents and your teachers proud! In a few months you will be moving to Melon Class and I know that you will all do even better there!
Well done!!! 👍👍👍😘😘
Well done!!! 👍👍👍😘😘
The children prepared three things to give their parents for Valentine' Day. First, we made a Valentine's card
Next, we made flowers to go along with the card.And the last one, we made a chocolate candy and decorated cakeThey enjoyed making and were excited to see the finished products.After they finished decorating the chocolate candy and cake, they were curious what were the taste of the chocolate candy and cake they madeAnd here are the candies and cake the children gathered all the things they made and ready to give and say "I Love You" to their parents<
/Well done children, thanks for the hard work!!HAPPY VALENTINE' S DAY
Next, we made flowers to go along with the card.And the last one, we made a chocolate candy and decorated cakeThey enjoyed making and were excited to see the finished products.After they finished decorating the chocolate candy and cake, they were curious what were the taste of the chocolate candy and cake they madeAnd here are the candies and cake the children gathered all the things they made and ready to give and say "I Love You" to their parents<
/Well done children, thanks for the hard work!!HAPPY VALENTINE' S DAY
男の子並みの体力をもった可愛いプリンセスが仲間入りしたWednesday classiいつものPush upもやってました(笑)
今日のLittle Japanese クラス 糸通しが上手になったので、本当の針(刺繍針)を使ってValentine Heartクッションを作りました~ 出来るかな…の私の心配をよそに、気合が入っている二人 一度練習用の物を渡すと、バッチリ Heartのフェルトを渡すと、こんなに真剣な顔で、もくもくと縫っていました
2つのクラスを通して、子どもの可能性を再確認しました 経験のないことや一人ではできないことに、たくさん挑戦する機会をつくり子どもの自信に繋げられる保育をしたい、と思いましたやっぱり先生の仕事が好きだなぁ~ それでは、最後の驚きをどうぞ
今日のLittle Japanese クラス 糸通しが上手になったので、本当の針(刺繍針)を使ってValentine Heartクッションを作りました~ 出来るかな…の私の心配をよそに、気合が入っている二人 一度練習用の物を渡すと、バッチリ Heartのフェルトを渡すと、こんなに真剣な顔で、もくもくと縫っていました
2つのクラスを通して、子どもの可能性を再確認しました 経験のないことや一人ではできないことに、たくさん挑戦する機会をつくり子どもの自信に繋げられる保育をしたい、と思いましたやっぱり先生の仕事が好きだなぁ~ それでは、最後の驚きをどうぞ