We have celebrated the bean-throwing festival(which is considered as the day of the beginning of spring in Japan). We threw beans to evil spirits which bring misfortune and bad health with them. Then as part of bringing luck in we ate beans . It was fun to make crafts related to Mame-maki festival and celebrate it.
On Friday, we celebrated it in our school.
This morning , we went to Hikarigaoka Park and threw beans to devils.
On Friday, we celebrated it in our school.
This morning , we went to Hikarigaoka Park and threw beans to devils.
We started this week with a little magic that Ms. Miho had showed the children. All of them were so amazed. We also continued our lesson about the alphabets...
We also made our mask and bag to put the beans in for Mame-Maki...Apple Class had enjoyed decorating theirs...
And today, all class had joined together to celebrate Mame-Maki or Setsubon...this is one of the Japanese traditions wherein they drive evil spirits that causes illness, greediness, selfishness, and other bad behavior away from their lives and welcomes fortune, good health, happiness, and luck into their homes...
"Devils out! Fortunes in!"
Thank you for reading! Have a great weekend! See you again next week! (^_*)/
We also made our mask and bag to put the beans in for Mame-Maki...Apple Class had enjoyed decorating theirs...
And today, all class had joined together to celebrate Mame-Maki or Setsubon...this is one of the Japanese traditions wherein they drive evil spirits that causes illness, greediness, selfishness, and other bad behavior away from their lives and welcomes fortune, good health, happiness, and luck into their homes...
"Devils out! Fortunes in!"
Thank you for reading! Have a great weekend! See you again next week! (^_*)/
月曜日、Little Japaneseでは習字(お正月Ver)
UKIUKid`sは、JUMP ROPE バレリーナのように、つま先に体重を乗せてかかとはつけないこと!!!JUMP JUMPたくさん跳びました~先週はKちゃんが自主練をしてきたので、とーっても上手になったことを話すと…今週は、みんな縄跳びを持って返りましたAppleさんが、久しぶりに参加したMelonさんに縄のしまい方を教える、という光景も伺えました素敵
月曜日、Little Japaneseでは習字(お正月Ver)
UKIUKid`sは、JUMP ROPE バレリーナのように、つま先に体重を乗せてかかとはつけないこと!!!JUMP JUMPたくさん跳びました~先週はKちゃんが自主練をしてきたので、とーっても上手になったことを話すと…今週は、みんな縄跳びを持って返りましたAppleさんが、久しぶりに参加したMelonさんに縄のしまい方を教える、という光景も伺えました素敵
This month has been very productive. A lot of fun activities had been done. One of such activities was the Culture Day. The children learned the cultures of the different countries, Japan as a host country, Philippines, India, Czech, U.S.A., U.K. and Canada.We made an imaginary trip to these countries and learned about them. The children also learned to recognize each flag of the countries in the world.The children also learmed more about the Philippines . We played games.The last activity we had was making a globe with the flag of each country we studied.Another activity we had was in Science; the children learned about The Human Anatomy.Well, so many activities and so much fun! Going to the park has been always a part of our activities that made the children very happy.Until next month