On the 4th day,after introducing ourselves and singing songs we did yoga together.
Then we learned about the different schools around the world.Kids were really surprised to see that how different are those schools from ours.We made snow globes also.
In the afternoon,we went to the pool and enjoyed playing in the water.
Then we learned about the different schools around the world.Kids were really surprised to see that how different are those schools from ours.We made snow globes also.
In the afternoon,we went to the pool and enjoyed playing in the water.
Summer school中に、お洋服を自分で畳めるようになったお友だち。トイレで排泄をチャレンジしてくれたお友だち。水道の蛇口を自分でひねることができたお友だち。手に絵の具を付けるのを嫌がらずに製作を完成させたお友だち。先生のお話をちゃんと聞けたお友だち。お水遊びが好きになったお友だち。