Our last day in the space was sadly a rainy day but we stayed inside and enjoy some indoor activities. We studied moon phases (how the moon change shape base on the sun and rotation of it). We made as well a space ship and we enjoyed nice backgrounds. Thanks to all the parents and kids to join our last part of the summer school. See you all very soon for more studies.
Our field trip at Sunshine City, started with the planetarium. We enjoyed watching constellations and a nice animation about zodiac signs with Chibi Maruko chan. Then we head to the aquarium for learning more about fishes and species. We even had the chance to watch a show with 2 seals during this day.
Fifth part we learnt about fluids (liquids), how it change in the space with zero gravity. We watch fun video about our astronauts showing us those crazy experiences with water, paint... We studied as well comparison with Satellites shapes.